33 research outputs found

    Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs

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    In this work, we present a method for node embedding in temporal graphs. We propose an algorithm that learns the evolution of a temporal graph's nodes and edges over time and incorporates this dynamics in a temporal node embedding framework for different graph prediction tasks. We present a joint loss function that creates a temporal embedding of a node by learning to combine its historical temporal embeddings, such that it optimizes per given task (e.g., link prediction). The algorithm is initialized using static node embeddings, which are then aligned over the representations of a node at different time points, and eventually adapted for the given task in a joint optimization. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach over a variety of temporal graphs for the two fundamental tasks of temporal link prediction and multi-label node classification, comparing to competitive baselines and algorithmic alternatives. Our algorithm shows performance improvements across many of the datasets and baselines and is found particularly effective for graphs that are less cohesive, with a lower clustering coefficient

    Mining the Web to Predict Future Events

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    We describe and evaluate methods for learning to forecast forthcoming events of interest from a corpus containing 22 years of news stories. We consider the examples of identifying significant increases in the likelihood of disease outbreaks, deaths, and riots in advance of the occurrence of these events in the world. We provide details of methods and studies, including the automated extraction and generalization of sequences of events from news corpora and multiple web resources. We evaluate the predictive power of the approach on real-world events withheld from the system

    PGANs: Personalized Generative Adversarial Networks for ECG Synthesis to Improve Patient-Specific Deep ECG Classification

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    The Electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed routinely by medical personnel to identify structural, functional and electrical cardiac events. Many attempts were made to automate this task using machine learning algorithms including classic supervised learning algorithms and deep neural networks, reaching state-of-the-art performance. The ECG signal conveys the specific electrical cardiac activity of each subject thus extreme variations are observed between patients. These variations are challenging for deep learning algorithms, and impede generalization. In this work, we propose a semisupervised approach for patient-specific ECG classification. We propose a generative model that learns to synthesize patient-specific ECG signals, which can then be used as additional training data to improve a patient-specific classifier performance. Empirical results prove that the generated signals significantly improve ECG classification in a patient-specific setting

    EqGNN: Equalized Node Opportunity in Graphs

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs), has been widely used for supervised learning tasks in graphs reaching state-of-the-art results. However, little work was dedicated to creating unbiased GNNs, i.e., where the classification is uncorrelated with sensitive attributes, such as race or gender. Some ignore the sensitive attributes or optimize for the criteria of statistical parity for fairness. However, it has been shown that neither approaches ensure fairness, but rather cripple the utility of the prediction task. In this work, we present a GNN framework that allows optimizing representations for the notion of Equalized Odds fairness criteria. The architecture is composed of three components: (1) a GNN classifier predicting the utility class, (2) a sampler learning the distribution of the sensitive attributes of the nodes given their labels. It generates samples fed into a (3) discriminator that discriminates between true and sampled sensitive attributes using a novel ``permutation loss'' function. Using these components, we train a model to neglect information regarding the sensitive attribute only with respect to its label. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to optimize GNNs for the equalized odds criteria. We evaluate our classifier over several graph datasets and sensitive attributes and show our algorithm reaches state-of-the-art results